(kein Titel)
Hier sehen Sie die vollständige Anfrage (kein Titel), eingegangen am 13.10.2008.
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Anfrage | (kein Titel) vom 13.10.2008 |
Text zur Anfrage | GuB GmbH Ihr kompetenter Partner für kaufmännische, technische und logistische Baulösungen. GuB GmbH, H.Giesa, An der Schafscheuer, D-91781 Weißenburg (Bay.)/Germany Quotation / Bid Armour Optical fibre cable, test equipment and joint closer Dear Sirs, Our cooperation partner needs urgently an quotation bid of 500,000 lin m of a optical fibre cable. The specification for the direct buried application with 12 standard singl-mode fibers shall fully compliant to the relevant IEC specifications, esp. IEC 60793-1,2 is attached herewith. The cable shall be armoured and double sheated. The delivery length of the cable will be 4,000 lin. M. +/-5 % The manufacturer is said to be a German producer only. Please take into your consideration item 9 “factory test and training” as well, if you are going to bring forward a bid. The port of delivery is BASRA / Iraq. The cable will be applied for railway construction. We are looking forward to hear from you soon. Please bring forward your bid to To … GuB730@web.de CC … HVDC2500Helmut@web.de Kind regards / Freundliche Grüße GuB GmbH Helmut F Giesa GF, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (MSc), Prof. Eng. WEB www.albatros-aiss.org/ … www.aid21.de/ E-Mail GuB GuB730@web.de E-Mail GF HelmutFGiesa@yahoo.de German 0049-172-8211831 only Phone + Fax 0049-9141-84727 Fax 0049-9141-3919 D-U-N-S® 33 18 21 517 USt-ID DE 228 050 916 Skype ID HFG2404 with voice mail box. |
Menge | 500 km |
ca. Auftragswert | |
erforderlicher Liefertermin | baldmöglichst |
Versandart | specification |
Angebot bis | Mittwoch 15.10.2008 |